back to article Ex-CA boss Kumar checks in for 12 year sentence

Ex-Computer Associates boss Sanjay Kumar began his almighty bowl of porridge yesterday when he checked in at a federal prison in New Jersey. Kumar, 45, reported to the federal prison in Fairton, Reuters reports, to begin a 12 year sentence for his role in the $2.2bn accounting scandal at the software firm that cost …


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  1. Ralph B

    The Wages of Sin is Debt

    > and will pay an ongoing 20 per cent of his annual income

    > once he gets out of the slammer.

    But who would ever reemploy this crook?

  2. Ralph B

    CA Trial Software

    On the CA website I found:

    > CA Cleanup Free 30-Day Trial Download

    > Experience the benefits of CA Cleanup with a free 30-day evaluation

    Did Kumar's trial really only take 30 days?

  3. Alan Donaly

    35 day month

    Why didn't I think of that it's perfect, kind

    of obvious really he went to jail for being easily detected no I don't suppose anyone will hire him again unless they are very sloppy in their hiring practices why when there are so many tried and proven ways of fiddeling the books that are incredibly hard to discover did this ding dong

    do it that way.

  4. Dillon Pyron

    Training for new skills

    Most of these "prisons" have programs to teach new job skills to the inmates for their eventual release. He'll probably learn how to work on cars or something similar. Like becoming an installer for Verizon or as a firefighter. Or both.

  5. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Who would ever employ that crook ?

    Hmm, let me make a list : Diebold, RIAA, Dell Customer Service, Iraq Department of Justice, or Libya Minister of Economics, to name just a few.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Report to jail???

    Any moron who shows up to go to prison is truly an idiot! There are lot's of places to go where the U.S. has no extradition treaty.

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