back to article Hackers infiltrate TD Ameritrade client database

TD Ameritrade Holding, an online brokerage that manages more than 6.3 million accounts, said hackers broke into a database containing detailed information about clients. While the thieves had access to social security numbers, birth dates and account numbers, Ameritrade said it has no evidence such information was ever retrieved …


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  1. Ian Michael Gumby

    No Surprises here....

    There have been a series of posts to NANAE ( usenet group.

    Several posters have claimed that they had created unique e-mail addresses strictly for communicating with Ameritrade.

    They reportedly started getting spam'd stock trading tips.

    in their posts, they claim that they contacted Ameritrade which either denied a breach or told them that there was an "ongoing investigation".

    Recently another poster pointed to SEC quarterly filings which indicate that there was a class action lawsuit filed earlier this year and they suspect that Ameritrade only came forward because of the case.

  2. umacf24

    No evidence

    " Ameritrade said it has no evidence ... [personal detail] ... information was ever retrieved"

    Unless they record queries, they wouldn't know if it had. Anyone here keep a log of read queries on the client list?

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Well gee, I'm soooo reassured

    "We can conclude because of our intelligence that the TD Waterhouse information was never accessed."

    You can conclude whatever you damn well want, it's not like we have any proof of the contrary, nor the means to find it. And you're not offering to go over the logs, now are you ? As for your intelligence, well if you really had a lot of it, you would have avoided getting hacked in the first place, no ?

    The only thing we can reliably conclude is that Ameritrade doesn't have a clue.

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