back to article Supremes to rule on PC makers' patent spat

The US Supreme Court will review a patent dispute between LG Electronics and a group of Taiwanese computer makers over whether various degrees of separation can exhaust licensing terms. The case has potentially far-reaching implications to determine if a patent holder can demand royalties from companies involved in different …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    why in the US

    So a Taiwanese fabricator is sued by a Korean company in the USA why isn't it in some Korean court or in Taiwan.

  2. Dave

    @why in the US

    It should be obvious - if they win they can extract more money in the US. Anywhere else would award sensible damages.

  3. Mark Rains

    Hang on . . .

    Have I read this right. LG sold licenses to Intel to use their products. LG then sold those patented products on to the Taiwanese. If so - surely it should be LG complaining to Intel for selling these products on - as opposed to the taiwanese collective of companies for using them ?

  4. Walter Brown

    Intel should get this bill

    If there is any liability here, it should be on Intel's shoulders, plain and simple, Intel sold technology which it didnt own, (and hence had no right to sell) to trusting customers in bad faith, creating a legal liability that the customers couldnt have possibly seen coming. Intel should foot this bill, in its entirety, all settlements, licensing fees and legal fees. once done paying all the bills, they should face market abuse anti-trust charges.

    Other industries cant get away with this kind of bullshit, why does such a retarded and blind eye get turned on the tech industry?

    i couldnt possibly imagine walking in to my local car dealership, haggling out a deal for the latest/hottest/fastest (i got a small dick) sports car, plopping down $30 to $40k, only to get met at the exit to the car lot by a group of attorney's demanding payment for technologies used in your mini winky macho machine that wasn't owned / created by that car maker, and now you owe thousands more in licensing fees... that would go over like a fart in church...

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