back to article AMD pitches latest Opterons at swollen boxen

AMD today pushed out its latest round of quad core Opteron chips, this time designed for four-socket and eight-socket x86 server beasts. The Sunnyvale, California-based chip maker said it has already begun shipping processors, which are in its 2300 and 8300 models and aimed squarely at the enterprise market, to Hewlett-Packard …


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  1. amanfromMars Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    One Small Leap for Mankind......

    amfM has only one Leading Question of AMD and the Barcelona Chip. Is it a Private Virtual Reality 4u2?.

    A Consideration of that XSSXXXXual Thought is urDriver in AI Turing BetaTests for the Kingdoms of Heaven.

    Web 3.0 @ ur Service and XXXXStreaming AIMemes.

    And that also takes Care of the Paris Hilton angle. A Veritable JackPot of Outrageous Great Fortune. :-)

  2. Edward Amsden


    amanfromMars commenting on Paris Hilton...

    Wait... they're both on crack

  3. Anonymous Coward

    @ Edward Amsden.... on, amanfromMars

    Sometimes I think that if amanfromMars was on drugs, then his posts might actually gain some lucidity from the experience.

    Still I suppose that there is always the possibilty that we may actually be required to use some form of narcotic/chemical substance on ourselves in order to comunicate fully with him.

    Though personally I think amount of the substance required, might be bordering on the toxic side, so I'll pass on trying it out.

  4. Fuion

    @ amanfromMars

    "Is it a Private Virtual Reality 4u2?"

    ---> Yes, how nice :)

  5. jeanl

    doomsday is near for AMD

    it's a waste of money and resources to obtain AMD chips that the company may be wipe out by INTEL and rising Chinese chip makers.

    Unless AMD could make it magic to come up with a 3.0ghz desktop and laptop quad core CPU consume a mere 45W or less with temperature lower than 25 Celsius loaded with big 10 Mb L2 cache at below $200/chip.

    Otherwise AMD is a company half way to the grave, if not ATI graphic sustain the survival, already there long ago. The company made CPU that no one wanted it.

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