back to article Besa predicts £9.8m drop in schools' ICT spending

The British Educational Suppliers Association says that ICT spending in primary and secondary schools will fall this year. In its annual report on ICT trends in UK state schools, the association estimates that primary school ICT budgets will decrease by 2.2 per cent in 2009-10, while those of secondary schools are likely to …


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  1. dunncha

    We are going to spend our way out of this recession

    By cutting everything that the poor people need like.

    Education, Childcare for working parents, NHS Car park costs, errr.. ID Database, Trident.

    Is it just me of have (help-the-rich) Labour reversed every decision they have wasted money on.

    Although I hate to admit it I agree with the current Bun. Labour is lost.

    Come on the Lib Dems.

    And if you don't vote for somebody: Shame on you. Can I have a icon for get out and Vote!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Have done tech support in schools, made me sick seeing boxes of software that were never even unwrapped because the IT coordinator didn't have time to install it but they wanted to spend the money otherwise they'd have lost it.

    Now they're losing it anyway because someone has finally realised that giving schools money to spend on something useless that they do so they don't "lose it" is fucking idiotic because it's literally just wasted money.

    The "otherwise we'll lose it" argument is just stupid in so many ways anyone using it should be put to sleep. Unfortunately (or, well, fortunately if they really were to be put to sleep) this includes pretty much anyone in control of any public sector budget.

  3. Anonymous Coward


    Linux, Ubuntu, EduBuntu, Google Docs - cost zero.

  4. Roger Greenwood

    Cost cutting

    Most schools could save a fortune by making the kit last longer. Upgrades to Vista at a local school has meant loads of "old" kit being skipped - working perfectly until unplugged. Just so the kids can get a whizz bang desktop experience (or in my case give me nausea). STOP UPGRADING JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN.

    Disclaimer - I am an ubuntu user by choice.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    Too many idiots

    @ Roger Greenwood Agree entirely. We recently skipped a lot of PCs that were over 7 years old purely because they were becoming unreliable and expensive to repair. We evaluated the needs across the school and reorganised - thin clients purchased for areas that just want to use Office, etc. released PCs for areas that needed a PC. These are between 3 and 5 years old and still working without any problems.

    Among the other problems are sharp-tongued salesmen that cleverly hide the true cost of what you are buying; teachers who see a piece of software and then buy it before asking if it will run on the system; education software that needs almost full admin rights to work correctly; sysadmins being teachers who have done a couple of courses; Government initiatives stating "you all need to buy this expensive rubbish from our favoured suppliers"; etc, etc.

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