back to article Super Talent's Superspeed super cheap flash

Flash product supplier Super Talent is putting together a de-featured RAIDdrive to deliver USB 3.0 speed for less than $70. The new USB 3.0 Express Drive will come in 16GB and 32GB capacities and measure 62 x 37 x 7.5 mm, like two USB thumb drives packed side by side in a smaller version of Super Talent's RAIDDrive. The new …


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  1. Idiots _Quotient
    Dead Vulture

    | 600GB movie |

    4 a sec I thght i was reading a Review of Caprica Pilot on SyFy..... ...

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Faster than the speed of thought

    "The theoretical maximum USB 3.0 transfer speed is 480Gbit/s, meaning 480MB/sec"

  3. Anonymous Coward

    USB 3.0 Transfer Speeds

    The top transfer mode of USB 3.0 is 4.8Gbps (not 480). The raw throughput will likely be somewhere between 3.2 - 4.0 Gbps. Dividing this by eight to convert bits-per-second into bytes-per-second gives a transfer rate around 0.4 GB/s or 400 MB/s. So 1 point for trying then.

  4. Idiots _Quotient
    Dead Vulture

    Plz Explain This ?

    so copying the 600GB movie to the Express Drive in the first place will be maybe three to four times as long as the time needed for reading it.

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