back to article HP to fire 9,000 due to 'productivity gains, automation'

Hewlett-Packard will axe 9,000 jobs at the ink and computer giant over the next three years. The company confirmed its plans today saying it hoped to improve its corporate services business, after it bought EDS in 2008 for $13.9bn. HP said it would swallow a $1bn charge between now and its 2013 financial year, half of which …


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  1. Joe K


    Sure this has nothing to do with them losing the huge Bank of Ireland contract last week.

    Why didn't you report that anyway? Sure, it was on that ChannelRegister site, but no-one reads that.

  2. Natalie Gritpants

    $1bn / 9000 is..

    ~$111k - quite a generous redundancy package on average.

    1. M H

      don't forget...

      ...the lawyers' fees that HR will incur making sure there's no unfair dismissal claims.. I reckon you can halve that $111k...

      1. Munchausen's proxy

        And one more thing ...

        Not to mention the massive bonuses for the top execs for 'leading the company through these trying times'. I figure the redundancy package will be a hearty handshake.

      2. Tom 35

        Don't forget...

        The management bonus for saving the company money. Should be about $11 left after that.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          And don't forget...

          ... they're probably still paying off the contract of incompetent former CEOs.

  3. Gulfie


    More opportunities for customer systems (and their back-up systems) to die when there is nobody around who knows how to patch the OS or firmware!

    1. Anonymous Coward

      RE: Excellent

      I doubt it, Data Center Automation is part of their product line.

      The problem has always been convincing the data center management to use it.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    HP's exec playbook goes...

    Profits down ... cut workforce;

    Profits up ... compliment workforce, then cut them;

    Decrease investment ... cut workforce to compensate;

    Increase investment ... use increase to fund workforce cuts;

    Take over competitor ... cut _their_ workforce;

    Launch new products ... cut R&D since their job is obviously now done.


    Notice the common thread coming out here - just a shame that HP's management are a one-trick pony....

    You can pretty much assume that the majority of cuts will be in Europe (because it's expensive) and the majority of those in the UK (because it's expensive).

    A cynical person would wonder how the 'eck you're supposed to 'grow the business' when your management are busy firing the technical folks that are supposed to deliver this growth. A pragmatic one would just make sure that their c.v. is up to date.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      @AC 15.28GMT

      "how the 'eck you're supposed to 'grow the business' when your management are busy firing the technical folks that are supposed to deliver this growth."

      ...except from management's point of view, techies are a cost. They don't "deliver growth" - the sales guys do that.

      Techies are a cost, and that cost is lower if it's in a poor country...

      1. Captain Save-a-ho

        @AC 16:09 GMT

        "They don't 'deliver growth' - the sales guys do that."

        Ah, so you aren't familar with the former EDS then? I left HP in November and I can assure you that the sales fail regularly until engineers rectify the situation. If I had only been there 3 months, I might agree with you. But I did my three years and can't believe I stayed past 3 months with the constant "deal saving" that goes on.

        If sales knew what the feck they were doing, it wouldn't be an issue. But instead, they overpromise and underdeliver, which is the EDS (and now HP) SOP.

      2. Anonymous Coward

        easy hire more sales weasels

        In most mega corpse, sales weasels will sell stuff they don't have to unclued CIOs of client corps.

        Hence fewer techs, more weasels. Looks good to CEOs who are exsales weasels.

        The unreported suggestion of fewer management layers, followed by news of more managers being appointed, hilarious !

  5. Anonymous Coward

    I'm sure it won't be the last announcement from OEMs

    . . . I'm looking at you Larry ;-) Plenty of Sun-shiners still about . . . probably not for long!

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. The Envoy

    The real...

    ...Rise of the Machines continues

  7. Eduard Coli

    The ghost of Carly

    From Carly the butcher to Hurd the axeman, how will HP survive?

    Look for embezzlement and/or other executive chicanery since this usually follows mass layoffs and outsourcing.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Please, please, please 'eliminate' me

    'Elimination' from this company of the walking dead would be a dream come true for me. Come Hurd, you know you want to - you're f*^k all use for anything else.

  9. joejack

    Palm acquisition

    I'm sure the folks at Palm can't WAIT to experience HP's unique style of management. Then again, those poor sherpas have had lots of practice getting bent over chairs already.

  10. This post has been deleted by its author

  11. Nathan Meyer

    Notice to HP Services Customers- Time To Leave

    Cut staff, cut service. It's a pretty simple and proven rule. Time to shop around; although there isnt much competition left; not with IBM Global leading the crash dive race to the bottom.

    Time to go back in-house people, it may not be cheaper but at least someone will answer the phone when you call.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      @Nathan Meyer

      "Time to go back in-house people, it may not be cheaper but at least someone will answer the phone when you call."

      I'm not sure that the *savings* on big contracts were *ever* that clear cut. Presumably those who've been outsourcing for some time should have *much* better tools for monitoring costs *whoever* does the actual work (in house or outsourced).

      IIRC one of Walmarts first jobs on buying Asda supermarkets in the UK was canceling their IBM outsourcing contract. Walmart would definitely be said to be in a cost conscious market and big enough for all the big boys to be interested in getting their account. I suspect they don't trust the con-tractors proposals (and the loss of flexibility and control). From earlier comments on "Deal saving" it seems they are right.

  12. Anonymous Coward

    Typical Corporate Failures

    There is only one sustainable source of growth, and that is the workforce. If management has to cut the workforce, either the income has dropped (i.e., big recession, big lost contract, big company like EDS bought and economies of scale...) or management has FAILED to properly direct the available human resource to grow the business.

    If the management associated with the chopped workers isn't also cut (all the way to the top) the truly failing component is still rotting the company. Why would anyone invest in such a failing business model? Why reward failing executives with fat bonuses? They are not saving money, they are snatching defeat from the jaws of success and declaring victory.... the simple act of making large numbers of personnel redundant usually demonstrates poor management and a probable "sell" rating for the stock.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      @AC 09:04

      Ah the wonders of a PLC. Shareholder's dividends come out of the same pot that is affected by salary costs - Profit and Loss. Dump some staff, the stock market thinks it will get better dividends and therefore is willing to pay more for HP's stock. Net result HP's Market Cap gets better and everyone can slap themselves on the back for a job well done until the wheels fall off the dogdy motor.

  13. John Smith 19 Gold badge
    Thumb Down

    UK Govt IT. Safe in their hands?

    IIRC EDS big thing *was* their mainframe skills. Chomping through a whole nations social security files with 5 9s reliability.

    So with that gone, aside from a *very* large "entertainment" budget for smoozing civil servants and the occasional minister what do they do that's "special"?

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    9000 over 3 years is background noise

    9000 is a very small number really to lose over 3 years from a workforce of 304,000 ... that will go through natural attrition! And just as any IT department in the land, HP is able to support more infrastructure with less people. It used to be that you needed administrators for everything whereas now one person can monitor, manage and maintain a hell of a lot more kit. Anyone who is trying to make out that this article is especially alarming is just being sensationalist.

  15. Anonymous Coward

    HP employ people?

    News to me as next door to my work we have an Hewlett-Packard CDS server farm, and no one ever comes or goes, it just sits there with the shutters closed, silently waiting for a corporate website somewhere to go down so it can kick into operation.

    I swear it is run by machines.....

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