back to article NSA denies it knew about and USED Heartbleed encryption flaw for TWO YEARS

The tech world is aflutter over the Heartbleed encryption flaw in OpenSSL, but it seems that the bug was no surprise to the analysts of the NSA, since they have reportedly been using it for two years to spy on data traffic. Two sources familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that NSA staff picked up on the fatal flaw shortly …


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  1. A Non e-mouse Silver badge

    As Thom Brow mentioned in another thread: What can you actually get from this security hole? The private key appears to be highly unlikely.

    1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge


      The Bloomberg report is probably NSA disinformation.

    2. Dave C

      Not so unlikely after all

      Within a day two people successfully met Cloudflare's challenge and obtained the private key from their test site by exploiting heartbleed.

      1. Anon5000

        Re: Not so unlikely after all

        Loved their update in the the blog:

        "This result reminds us not to underestimate the power of the crowd and emphasizes the danger posed by this vulnerability."

      2. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

        Re: Not so unlikely after all

        It took 2.5M hits in the servers. I hope Cloudflare servers not noticing what is basically a DOS attack like that isn't indicative of Cloudflare's product effectiveness.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Used it?

      They invented it.

  2. ecofeco Silver badge


    The ONLY thing ANY gov agency protects these days is the rich.

    We have the gov we deserve.

    1. Charles Manning

      Re: Protect?

      s/the rich/itself/

      If you think the NSA acts on the whims Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Prez Obama, you'd be severely wrong. The NSA will have eprobes into these people's lives.

      NSA has become like the KGB of old - completely above the law and any government oversight. They become paranoid: anyone outside the organisation becomes the enemy.

      Obama thinks he can reign them in with strict guidelines etc, but he is wrong.

      The only way the NSA can be managed is to shut them down, investigate the hell out of them, and criminally presecute those that have not done. Half measure won't do it.

      1. ecofeco Silver badge

        Re: Protect?

        By the rich I meant the corporations.

      2. TopOnePercent

        Re: Protect?

        NSA has become like the KGB of old - completely above the law and any government oversight. They become paranoid: anyone outside the organisation becomes the enemy.

        Sadly, all the NSA are likely to learn from the Snowden debacle, is that there is also the enemy within. I would expect far greater effort has gone into assuaging their paranoia with data compartmentalisation and audits than has been spent effecting behavioural change in their dealings with the wider world.

      3. Tom 13

        Re: Protect?

        The Big 0 has no interest in reigning them in. It's how he gets data on HIS political enemies.

        1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: Protect?

          The Big 0 has no interest in reigning them in.

          Neither would any other POTUS. There's political sauce to be made from expressing sympathy with privacy advocates, outrage over infractions of civil rights, etc; but there's no pragmatic advantage for the nominal head of the Executive Branch to reduce the power of that branch. The only reason for a US President to actually try to restrict the NSA would be ideological, and that's not the sort of ideology that gets you elected.

          More importantly, there's no way the president could effectively control the intelligence apparatus at this point. It's firmly established and much too large for a presidential administration to survey effectively, much less police. The president could fire some of the top administrators (in theory; whether anyone would take the risk is another question), but that would have very little effect on day-to-day operations.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Protect?

      "We have the gov we deserve."

      No, you have the gov that they bought and paid for.

    3. dlc.usa

      Re: Protect?

      As Alan Cox observed, Snowden should have run to the only place on Earth beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement: Wall Street.

    4. Stuart 22

      Re: Protect?

      Protect themselves.

      The Twitter claim of knowing nothing until public disclosure is breathtaking. I mean by April 7th a patch had been written and committed for 1.0.1e, had been registered for 3 days, there had been considerable correspondence between the Finnish company and the authors. Google had allegedly already patched it servers.

      And the NSA had not known this?

      Which leads to the conclusion they are incredibly incompetent or barefaced liars. Your choice.

      And if they lied about 2 days or 2 weeks how can one believe it wasn't two years?

  3. Forget It

    sort these three words in order:


    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        SHOT HITS FAN ?

        1. Sir Runcible Spoon

          HOT FAN SHITS?

  4. RobHib

    "The NSA declined to comment on the report whether it was aware of the Heartbleed flaw or if it had used the flaw to spy on communications."

    Good journalism isn't necessarily unbiased. In these circumstances, you're both wasting time and calls on an already-known certainty.

  5. Len Goddard

    Not surprised, just disgusted

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "The open source community has been criticized for failing to spot the flaw, but it lacks the resources of the NSA, which employs hundreds of code checkers to find flaws in common code."

    I thought the whole point of open source was that countless numbers of NEETs were supposed to be sitting in their mommys' basements checking the code.

    1. Sureo


      Code checking is a real drudge job and no one likes doing it. And if you don't have a concise specification it is nearly impossible.

      The steps for writing quality code are

      1. Write a spec

      2. Write a test plan based on the spec

      3. Write the code

      4. Conduct a code review

      5. Unit test the code.

      I wonder how many of those steps were followed in this case?

      1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: @thought

        The steps for writing quality code are

        1. Write a spec

        2. Write a test plan based on the spec

        3. Write the code

        4. Conduct a code review

        5. Unit test the code.

        I wonder how many of those steps were followed in this case?

        Numbers 1 and 3. And the specification and code were written by the same person; and the specification says that the code should discard malformed requests, but it doesn't. So there you have it.

    2. SumDood

      "I thought the whole point of open source was that countless numbers of NEETs were supposed to be sitting in their mommys' basements checking the code."

      What that comment suggests is that the closest you've been to technical expertise is the lower echelons of mummy's-basement NEETdom.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So they know all about my flying car designs! In all seriousness - he who knows most is ruler and the 21st century makes no difference to that concept so fuck the cheesy peeping tom stuff thanks;

  8. Suricou Raven

    If the NSA knew about this bug, they are deliberately leaving innocent internet users exposed to malicious actors.

    If the NSA didn't know about this bug... what are they getting so much money for?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Big Brother

      > ...what are they getting so much money for?

      To spy for their corporate pay masters of course.

    2. IanTP

      Even as I upvote this, I can hear the helicopters...

      1. Anonymous Coward

        @IanTP - "Even as I upvote this, I can hear the helicopters..."

        If they were really coming to get you, they would use the silent helicopters.

        Since you can hear them, that means they are just trying to scare you...

        1. Sir Runcible Spoon

          "Since you can hear them, that means they are just trying to scare you.."

          Probably just a drone - ignore it

        2. DropBear

          If they were really coming to get you, they would use the silent helicopters.

          So I was wondering - does remembering "Blue Thunder" mean that I'm an old fart now?

          Ehhh, on second thought... never mind answering that...

        3. Tom 13

          Re: Since you can hear them

          Nah, those are the news chopper so they can have film at 11.

    3. David Pollard

      If the NSA knew ...

      In just the same way that there isn't any obvious trace when a miscreant uses this method to try to collect data from a site, maybe the NSA had silently monitored selected sites to capture details of attackers who were exploiting the security hole. By allowing the leak of relatively non-critical data through what would in effect be a set of giant honeypots they could have been compiling details of their enemies.

      As to the costs, a) it wouldn't be their money; and b) this would go to show just how important their work really is.

      1. SumDood

        Re: If the NSA knew ...

        "By allowing the leak of relatively non-critical data through what would in effect be a set of giant honeypots they could have been compiling details of their enemies."

        Enemies = everyone not bunkered down with NSA?

    4. midcapwarrior

      "If the NSA didn't know about this bug... what are they getting so much money for?"

      Pretty sure opens source code review is not high on the list of things they are getting paid for.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        > Pretty sure opens source code review is not high on the list of things they are getting paid for.

        Since one of their primary mandates is the security and defense of American interests, and knowing full well that they have enormous Internet-related expertise and resources, I would be shocked to discover that the most widely used security protocol library used by pretty much all US websites had not been pored over with a fine tooth comb for just this kind of thing, even if it is to find something that they could use themselves.

        It's not like the resources to do that kind of thing wouldn't even be on the cost radar for an organisation like the NSA.

        1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          I would be shocked to discover that the most widely used security protocol library used by pretty much all US websites

          I have to point out that the final phrase is a grotesque exaggeration. There are a great many websites which don't use SSL/TLS at all; and there are many which don't use OpenSSL - mostly the ones running IIS, but there are other competitors (GnuTLS, BSAFE, CyaSSL, Apple's implementation, etc) as well.

          "used by many US websites" is a reasonable formulation; "pretty much all" is not.

    5. Psyx

      "If the NSA didn't know about this bug... what are they getting so much money for?"

      So... you expect them to be utterly all-seeing and all-powerful, but at the same time take issue with the fact?

      *sometimes* several million people come up with stuff that several thousand highly trained professionals don't.

      It just happens.

  9. Eddy Ito

    "One of the NSA's specific roles is to safeguard national communications and online security infrastructure"

    That seems a bit naive. Nowhere do they claim to protect individual/corporate communications or individual/corporate online security and why would they? As far as the NSA is concerned everyone and everything that isn't the U.S. government is a potential threat to national security and that includes its own employees. After all it's a post-Snowden world and you can't trust anyone since tear-wrists ar' eevy-whirr!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      So why didn't they tell the government?

      Either the Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Coastguard, congress, CIA, SS etc all were informed about this bug and fixed it - without the news leaking out. Or the NSA didn't tell them and has been risking the lives of our service men and women in combat by allowing secret details to be vulnerable to hackers.

      1. Eddy Ito

        You tell me, only 26 U.S. Gov't servers were ever reported as vulnerable and best I can determine none of those were dealing with national security issues. The rest were either patched or not vulnerable in the first place. Of course they could all be like the desktops and running software a dozen years old, but that doesn't play to the story now does it?

        1. tom dial Silver badge

          The most likely reason that most US Government were not vulnerable to Heartbleed because they were using OpenSSL versions earlier than 1.0.1 or, in some cases were running Windows-based web servers, which do not use OpenSSL. That would include those associated with DoD or other agencies one might think of as involving national security.

          OpenSSL versions 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 (not vulnerable) both appear to be actively maintained and so could be used within the government.

          1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Or they weren't using SSL at all because it's illegal for un-authorized users to access a government server so there is no need for any security !

          2. Eddy Ito

            Sure, they could be using 1.0.0 or GnuTLS, CyaSSL, PolarSSL or a bunch of others. Somehow since most all the packages comply with NSA Suite B and the NSA did do a bunch of work on SELinux I have to believe they know their stuff. If you read carefully I never said either way if they knew about it beforehand or not. My point was, and still is, that the NSA isn't in the "protect your bank account, communications to mom, instagram sessions and Google data slurps" because those functions aren't in the national interest no matter how important we think we are.

            The NSA isn't going to prevent you from taking a shiv in the kidney in a dark alley but they might be able to do something about the incoming attack helicopter or guided missile frigate. I'll let the conspiracy experts argue about who knew what and when. Perhaps naive was the wrong word, I should have used vain or immodest.

            1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

              "NSA isn't in the "protect your bank account[...]" because those functions aren't in the national interest no matter how important we think we are."

              You must have missed the financial crash a few years ago. A way of pulling down small numbers of bank accounts is not a problem. A way of hoovering up credentials quietly until you have a million or so accounts that you can vaporise in one night of action would be untargetted but definitely a threat to the nation's well-being.

              1. Eddy Ito

                If the FDIC and NCUSIF had to start paying out huge sums, the NSA might have a look after the Secret Service and FBI asked for their help. Even then given the average account balance runs around $6,000 and 56% have total savings under $25,000 someone draining a million accounts is only getting 6 to 25 billion dollars. Sure, it would sting and a million or so people would be hurting pretty badly for a while and yes it's a substantial fraction of the intelligence budget but it still wouldn't qualify as being in the national interest even though it's near the same scale as the auto company bailout during that financial hiccup you speak of.

                Of course it could be targeted to the wealthiest million people or corporations but to move those kinds of assets it would likely take a state sponsor and, like Mount Rushmore, it would be pretty hard to hide overnight. Likewise, no, the FBI isn't going after the random shop lifter pocketing a pack of gum, a turkey or even a watermelon because it's not what they do either.

                1. Sir Runcible Spoon

                  "but it still wouldn't qualify as being in the national interest "

                  Even factoring in the financial instability caused by a massive hack of this kind? Do you think all those big bank account holders would just leave their money there for the taking? They run like fuck to someone else, probably taking the bank down with them.

  10. Fink-Nottle

    > Statement: NSA was not aware of the recently identified Heartbleed vulnerability until it was made public.

    The statement begs the question: Is NSA aware of any other vulnerabilities in OpenSSL?

  11. Notas Badoff

    Bloomberg: "... two people familiar with the matter said."

    But they didn't mention it before everyone knew about it. When they might have had some credibility, y'no?

    Flash! Alert! Lisbon will be destroyed in a 9.0 earthquake!

    Well okay, I'm a few hundred years late there. How about:

    Major news! Russia invades Ukraine, says they are liberators!

    Am I 69 years late or 69 hours too soon?


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