back to article 'SURPRISE!' Amazon teleports cloud tech into VMware data centers, slurps cash

Amazon has teleported its cloud business into the management software of a rival that is used in thousands of data centers across the world. One of the great things about superficially boring tech plug-in announcements is that they usually conceal a nefarious and well thought-out strategic attack on another company's business …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Brilliant move

    Wow, that is some moxie by AWS. Taking it straight to the competitor. It does make a lot of sense. Most large enterprises are on VMware. And the combination of VMware and AWS is the PERFECT hybrid cloud. With this, customers can easily get started on that.

    1. Talleyho

      Re: Brilliant move

      Actually the PERFECT hybrid cloud shouldn't require a translator or interpreter (VM import) but would allow fluid movement between environments. You know, like VMware's vCloud Hybrid Services does.

      1. Sandgroper

        Re: Brilliant move

        These "fluid moves" occur only in fiction novels

        1. Swarthy

          Re: Brilliant move

          These "fluid moves" occur only in fiction novels

          ..Or after a cheap curry.

          1. Moosh

            Re: Brilliant move

            This is unfair. I have had many a cheap curry and have only once or twice experienced severe squits because of the quality of food. I am just as likely to experience "fluid moves" from an expensive curry; it very much matters how used your guts are to processing the amount of India/Pakistan/Bangladesh authenticity in the food itself.

            One of the cheapest curries I ever had was from a Pakistani restaurant and it made me feel like a (curry) virgin, such was its quality. No fuid movement to speak of.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'll borrow a quote from the movie "The Great Escape".

    "Why didn't anyone think of that before? It's so stupid, it's positively brilliant!"

    A simple move that can have serious consequences for VMware and vCHS.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sueball in 3...2....1....

    Some obscure look and feel patent will no doubt rear it's ugly head.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dramatic much?

    I think the author has the wrong end of the stick a tad. First off amazon would need to work with VMware to use this plugin, as using unsupported plugins causes issues when getting.. surprisingly enough... support.

    Also VCAC (vCloud automationn center) has come build in with an Amazon endpoint for the last few versions anyway, and multiple other endpoints.

    To put it another way, if you have the option of two on-site virty controllers, one which can integrate easily with many different compute resources (rackspace, amazon etc), and antoher which only works with one... azure... which are you going to go with!

    Lock-in is horrible, more of this please for everyones benifit.

    (disclaimer- I work for VMware, but this is personal opinion only)

    1. Cloud=Complete Lack Of Understanding Datacenter

      Re: Dramatic much?

      Well, VCAC costs a fortune and the Amazon plugin is free.

      On going cloud costs would be a lot lower with Amazon.

      VCAC integrates with Amazon and other cloud providers as endpoints, it won't, off the bat let you move existing work loads between providers on the fly.

      Deployment time for VCAC implementation is typically a month minimum.

      (disclaimer - I don't work for a software supplier but I do implement their products day in and day out)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Dramatic much?

        Fair enough about VCAC. I think the Amazon oprtion is still a good thing for VMware tho. In reality people who are using Vmware in the first place are doing so for a reason.

        Also bear in mind vcac is a management layer on top of VC. By directly integrating into VC you may be able to offload your compute, but there is a whole load of management tools, such as networking, deployment workflows etc, where you will have difficulty manageing.

        At the end of the day, vCHS should be able to stand on its own merits as a cloud provider, it is offering a different type of service to Amazon (so they say). In my opinion IF the biggest selling point is vendor lock-in then it has already failled, whereas giving additional options to customers will increase goodwill and perhaps even vcenter adoption!

        (same guy as before ;)

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