back to article Official: MoJ IT workers on STRIKE over outsourcing job fears

Back office admin staff working at the MoJ's two Shared Service centres are to down tools next week over fears of job cuts. This follows the department's decision to outsource the work to a business owned by French integrator Steria. Staff at the centres in Newport and Bootle run payroll, personnel and finance for the 90k …


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  1. Sir Barry

    Can we outsource Parliament and the idiots working there who are allowing this ongoing stupidity to continue?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      IT Angle

      They did. They got outsourced to Brussels and Mastricht which are even more criminal and troughing.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Public Service?

    I thought the Public sector unions wanted to provide the best service for the lowest cost or is it they just care about their jobs and couldnt give two shits about the customer. Judging by the Welsh NHS its most definitely the second.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    Corrupt troughing bastards

    They are so corrupt and criminal they make Putin's Russia look measured.

    1. jzlondon

      Re: Corrupt troughing bastards

      "troughing". Is that your catchphrase? Not a word I've heard before in this context.

    2. jzlondon

      Re: Corrupt troughing bastards

      Calling our bunch as corrupt and criminal as Putin's Russia is a gross overstatement which does nothing to help.

      First, because it's not fair to our MPs who are not uniformly bad apples, nor even mostly bad apples. Second, because it's an insult to Russians who have to live under a genuinely corrupt system.

      Go to Russia and see the difference. I am typing this from Moscow, where I am a regular visitor.

      You may be upset with our system and may not like some of the participants, but there's no need to use hyperbole.

  4. ceebee

    of weasels and such

    MoJ sent us this (meaningless drivel) statement.

    “We are committed to modernising the department’s administration services – creating a fit-for-purpose organisation which offers the best value for money to the public."

    ie we are sacking as many full time UK staff as we can get away with

    “This work is central to the Government’s ongoing reform programme, which was put in place to create a more accountable and unified Civil Service."

    ie we haven't a clue what the civil service does either ..pass the gin

    “We are currently in discussions with Shared Services Connected Limited with a view to signing a contract later this year, which will save the taxpayer millions of pounds a year."

    ie. really..actually save money?

    "We will work with staff, trade unions and other stakeholders to assess any impacts on staff."

    ie: how much do we have pay out when we sack staff?

  5. Ascylto


    The trouble is that the Government has run out of Grandmothers. They've no one else to sell. (It is interesting that they go out of their way to kill off the Civil Service whilst leaving their chums, the bankers who caused all this fuss, alone and NOT outsourced.

  6. denzil

    "We will work with staff, trade unions and other stakeholders to assess any impacts on staff."

    then we will still f**k them over and out source the work to india anyway.

    got to love it , lets pay a french company (who probably don't pay any taxes in the uk ) to out source work to india ( that way we wont have to worry about them paying tax or ni either)

    that way we can stick another load of skilled workers in to the unemployment

    queue or shelf filling in tescos for a minimal wage on a zero hour contact

    that way we can pay them the dole or what ever the income top up is called

    this week , we can also pay them housing benefit ( sorry if the benefit names are incorrect , its been a while ;) )

    all to save money ....... oh hang on.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    national security?

    I think it's mad to outsource govt IT to foreign countries. Not very secure, and it will most likely end up in country where corruption is part of way of life

  8. jzlondon

    I don't understand why everyone's accusing the government of underhandedness. There's nothing underhanded here - they're Tories. Selling stuff off, running things on the cheap, valuing the markets and private companies above all else...

    That's what they do and we, as a country, elected the bastards. It's not underhanded, it's exactly what we voted for.

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