back to article Channel on track: British tech insolvencies fall to seven-year low

It is official: 2014 numbers for corporate deaths in the Brit tech channel have slumped to a seven-year low, figures from credit reference agency Graydon UK confirm. Some 48 local suppliers went under in Q4, taking the tally of insolvencies for the 12 months to 198 versus 293 in 2013 – annual levels not seen since prior the …

  1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    I have numbers and they may mean this or that!

    Bloomberg from last year:

    Japanese corporate bankruptcies fell in 2014 to the lowest level since the final year of Japan’s asset bubble, as a government request for banks to alter loan conditions for smaller firms helped companies stay afloat, Bloomberb News reported. Business failures slid 10.4 percent in 2014 from a year earlier to 9,731 cases, the fewest since 1990, Tokyo Shoko Research Ltd. said in Tokyo today. There were no bankruptcies among listed firms last year for the first time in 24 years.

    Japan's economy is shot to hell and moving south as we speak.

    I'm just saying...

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