back to article Careful, don't move. What's that? Yes, it's a glint of growth at EMC

EMC just managed to scratch out a one per cent annual revenue rise in its third calendar 2015 quarter's results, beating its own estimates. The quarter ended on 30 September and revenues of $6.08bn were a tiny amount up on the year-ago's $6.03bn and the second quarter's $6bn. Net income of $528m was down 16 per cent in the …

  1. nilfs2

    Storage array business is a shrinking market

    They should be thankful that they are still seeing profit

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Storage array business is a shrinking market

      If you look at the rate of change in all storage, it's actually increasing over time which indicates to me that rather than substituting flash for other media, it's additive to existing storage. "Data expands to fill the available storage." (source: practically every dbE/A & SysOp everywhere.) Dedupe and every innovation we make simply optimizes existing storage so we go out and crate a new type of analysis that needs "MOARRR DATA". Such as Big Data.

      Don't get me wrong, as a life long analyst, huge data sets are what I absolutely adore. Just don't expect to see any reduction in the appetite for storage. The case for WD+SanDisk is interesting, especially with ReRAM, XPoint, and other candidates for upsetting the market. (Without price points, specifications, &c. I hesitate to use disrupt.)

      1. nilfs2

        Re: Storage array business is a shrinking market

        Storage capacity need WILL grow, but branded storage array market will not, it is shrinking already, ask NetApp, EMC, Dell, HP, IBM... All going downhill compared to a few years back. The cloud is stealing market share, and the big cloud service providers don't use branded storage arrays, they build their own.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Strategic includes Emerging??

    Chris, regarding the legend for 'Strategic' storage business -- Emerging shouldn't be part of Strategic, correct? Emerging belongs in 'Newer' storage, me thinks.

    Also what products come under the 'Other Storage' line item in the EMC II revenue table?

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