back to article Off-key Violin Memory stuck on a bridge over troubled waters

Disaster! Violin Memory completely failed to report recovery-level third-quarter revenues. In fact things went from bad to worse at the Santa Clara storage biz. Sales in its third-quarter of fiscal 2016, ending October, amounted to $12.5m, 18 per cent lower sequentially and 42 per cent lower compared to the year-ago quarter's …

  1. Nate Amsden

    will the whole company be acquired?

    Or might they close shop and just sell the technology and the few key people that make it(however many that may be).

    With NVMe flash these days, what advantage does Violin have technology wise(why would some company acquire their tech instead of developing on NVMe)? From what I've read a lot of their "enhancements" have been mostly bolting on 3rd party software to add features. Or maybe my info is out of date, but that is the last I recall hearing about anyway.

    1. MityDK

      Re: will the whole company be acquired?

      The problem with being acquired is that they are a hardware based solution. So their R&D and tech turn times are always going to be expensive, slow, and behind everyone else who is a software based solution.

      So why would anyone buy yesterdays technology that can't easily move to whatever tomorrow brings. That's why their stock is so low imo, their product line today is pretty good.. but tomorrow looks like a dead end. They have no money for future R&D and new tech development.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: will the whole company be acquired?

        Well, to be fair, that works the opposite way too. All their competitors (most of them) buy commodity SSD drives or cards and stuff them into their box, so their SSD is already made or designed 6-18 months before stuffing it in their box. Therefore, Violin is "competitive" with custom flash on each gen. But, not competitive, as we see:)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: will the whole company be acquired?

      No, you are correct.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Terrible puns not as terrible as storage biz's latest quarter

    No, but it won't stop you anyway… maybe we need to send The Boxer around?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Don Basile to step in and take the company back private, Dell-style...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Karma

      ha ha ha...oh...ha ha ha....oh man. That was funny. You are an idiot. Don could not gather the money from other people unless if it was $1mil, unless he calls Dixon and his daddy.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Maybe they can merge with Falconstor? Then the two might be able to achieve something instead of struggling separately? Or else it might just speed up the inevitable.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Perfect idea 1 + 1 would equal .25 in this case. They could shrink and not matter together, and accelerate the demise!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And.....Walmart quit buying, so now they are really in trouble.

  6. chris coreline

    are they going to drop the price so i can put it in my gaming rig?

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