back to article Firemen free chap's todger from four-ring chokehold

Firemen from the Spanish town of Dénia, in Alicante, enjoyed an entertaining shout last week when they were called to remove four steel rings from the base of an unfortunate chap's todger. An unnamed 40-year-old foreigner rolled up at the local hospital in the early hours of Friday morning, unable to extract his member from …


  1. Richard Wharram

    Seems unnecessary

    Couldn't they have just asked him to try to remember the names of the England '66 squad? That should have done the trick.

    1. TitterYeNot

      Re: Seems unnecessary

      "Couldn't they have just asked him to try to remember the names of the England '66 squad? That should have done the trick."

      Far more effective to simply ask the poor bloke to think of Theresa May in full dominatrix gear, which should do the trick in milliseconds.


      1. Kurt Meyer

        Re: Seems unnecessary

        Come now, you know there are fellows who'd be able to cut diamonds just thinking about that, let alone actually being in the presence of such a sight.

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Seems unnecessary

        Far more effective to simply ask the poor bloke to think of Theresa May in full dominatrix gear, which should do the trick in milliseconds.

        Ann Widdecombe, Shirley?

        *pukes into mouth*


      3. Arctic fox

        @TitterYeNot Re: "Mind bleach?" You want mind bleach?

        I cannot cope with the very thought of clicking on this link:

        "The year before, the same hospital saw no less than eight firemen attend an eye-watering incident involving a spam javelin, a steel tube and an angle grinder. ®"

        An angle grinder? May the Deity help us all!

      4. MrT

        Re: Seems unnecessary

        Austin's solution...?

      5. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Seems unnecessary

        You are Boris Johnson and I claim my £5...

  2. chivo243 Silver badge

    easier way

    Just think of an ex-wife or something horrific, cold shower? Swimming pool -> "There was shrinkage Jerry, Shrinkage!" Bellowed Geroge

  3. Fibbles

    I guess none of the nurses were willing to try a little castor oil and some gentle tugging?

    1. Anonymous Blowhard

      "I guess none of the nurses were willing to try a little castor oil and some gentle tugging?"

      If they had, he wouldn't have needed the rings in the first place...

    2. 's water music

      I guess none of the nurses were willing to try a little castor oil and some gentle tugging?

      How is an oiled up tug from a nurse going to help other than to build some memories in case the removal procedure goes badly wrong?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      >I guess none of the nurses were willing to try a little castor oil and some gentle tugging?

      Hard to say. I'm guessing that the firefighters felt entitled, being the first responders. And, really, would you expect them to hand the job over to the nurse(s) when they were pretty much guaranteed to get something--a good story, at the very least--out of it?

  4. Jimmy2Cows Silver badge


    Anyone else wince, sort of curl up a bit, and experience involuntary, um... contraction... reading that?

    Must be cold in here all of a sudden.

    1. phuzz Silver badge

      Re: Shudder

      Indeed, sod thinking about Theresa May, surely just thinking about his predicament should have caused shrinkage?

      (Except I assume said rings were stopping blood from exiting his gentleman's sausage)

  5. Jimmy2Cows Silver badge

    Why *4*?

    I mean come on... was he trying to hang a curtain from it?

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Why *4*?

      Probably there was a sale at the local IKEA.

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: Why *4*?

      Audi drivers, gee I tell you...

      1. Simon Harris

        Re: Why *4*?

        He was going for an Olympic Record, but chickened out before the end.

    3. Graham Marsden

      @Jimmy2Cows - Re: Why *4*?


      If you *really* want to know...

      (The 5th ring has a 2" internal diameter, so probably would be easily removable)

      1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

        Re: @Graham Marsden

        That, sir, is most definitely NSFW!

        Pro tip - set your browser to always open a single tab on your safe home page. Today I had an accidental viewing of your link on opening Firefox, they must think I am a part-time gimp now...

  6. Alister

    Application of an Ice Pack

    ...would, I am sure, have been less traumatic, and achieved the same effect.

    Actually, thinking about it, if anyone approached my meat and two veg with a working Dremel, I'm pretty sure there would be sufficient shrinkage almost immediately.

  7. Scott 53


    Can I uncross my legs now?

  8. Anonymous Coward

    It was you, wasn't it?

  9. Dave 126 Silver badge

    There a few comments here along the lines of "Why not just make it shrink?"

    In normal operation, turning off the pump is sufficient to reduce the pressure, since the blood will escape back into the rest of the body. Unfortunately in this case, the rings block the return path*. The patient would have been de-stimulated by the time he called for assistance - the pump had long been turned off - so another approach was required.

    *That is the whole point of cock-ring, I've been led to believe - though I'm no expert on sticking my extremities into unsuitable apertures. I'm not an expert on sticking my face into a pan of boiling oil either, but my take on it remains the same: Just don't do it.

    1. TRT Silver badge

      So... lance it. Although the "design" of corpus spongiosum muscle doesn't provide a single vein to act like a kind of drain cock.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. TRT Silver badge

          @symon - "a course of leaches"

          Any self-respecting leach would, of course, refuse to put their mouth parts anywhere near the pervs prives.

          1. Dave 126 Silver badge

            Re: @symon - "a course of leaches"


            >Any self-respecting leach would, of course, refuse to put their mouth parts anywhere near the pervs prives.

            You can believe that if you want to to, but if you go skinny dipping in a swamp and find a limp dangly thing clung to your limp dangly thing - please do share with us here at the Reg!

            1. TRT Silver badge

              Re: @symon - "a course of leaches"

              Well obviously they'd go for my succulent meat... I'm talking about the kind of a skank-o-matic that appeared in the article. You know... the sort who'd use the "rings of Sat-on", if you know what I mean.

              1. x 7

                Re: @symon - "a course of leaches"


                excuse me, but "skank-o-matic" is a copyright term for a percussion synthesiser sequencing system in the black skank music idiom.

                "Skank" is itself a descriptive term based on the words "ska" and "wank" and is felt to accurately describe the genre

      2. Semtex451

        Read that on a crowded platform and loudly screamed like a girl

      3. Mark 85


        a kind of drain cock

        I see what you did there.. have an upvote.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Unfortunately in this case, the rings block the return path"

      Low flow priapism by any cause for more than four hours is a medical emergency. Deprived of oxygen the cells start to die - leading to permanent damage.

      1. Dave 126 Silver badge

        >Low flow priapism by any cause for more than four hours is a medical emergency. Deprived of oxygen the cells start to die

        Again, just don't do it. Also, before any of you ask, a 'kiss of life' will not help oxygenate the cells.

        (Although there is a joke in which a male patient, who has been instructed to relive pressure in those parts through manual manipulation, looks over to the next cubicle and sees the silhouette of a nurses head bobbing up and down over its occupant: "What about him?!" he asks.

        "Oh, he's on BUPA" replies the Doc. )

        [Edit: For the benefit of non-UK readers, BUPA is a brand of private healthcare available in the UK, as opposed to our free-at-the-point-of-treatment National Health Service]

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh dear sir,

    I'm terribly sorry but we have had 3 people with heart attacks, 2 with suspected bleeds on the brain and a stabbing.

    You will have to sit there, and WAIT, quietly, whilst we deal with the REAL emergencies you sad, pathetic thrill seeking little cock-fruit.

    *Oh, it may startt to turn black, sadly there wont be any additional size increase with that.

    *debunked myth, added for comic effect.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh dear sir,

      "*debunked myth, added for comic effect."

      Is it? Republic of Congo apparently tops the world average at 7.1"

      UK 5.5"

      Australia 5.2"

      USA 5.1" (Presumably excluding Texas?)

      1. MyffyW Silver badge

        Re: Oh dear sir,

        Would Texas bring the US average down? Is that why they're so keen on big cars and firearms?

      2. MJI Silver badge

        Re: Oh dear sir,

        Does the US figure include the height of donald trump?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh dear sir,

      FAO down voters:

      The next time you are rushed into hospital because either yourself, friend, family etc need immediate and live saving medical care and you hear this coming from down a corridor "i'll tek the fuggin lorra you's on ya bastards" and some pissed up fuck wit is causing a scene which prevents your family member, friend, etc from being treated, remember this little tale...

      Idiots who self inflict either through drink, drugs or just being fucking idiots do NOT deserve first line care. Fuck em and let em wait.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Oh dear sir,

        It'll go rusty... :)

      3. Dave 126 Silver badge

        Re: Oh dear sir,

        >Idiots who self inflict either through drink, drugs or just being fucking idiots do NOT deserve first line care

        On the grounds that laughter is a good medicine, it is appropriate that they be admitted to hospitals.

      4. Fred Dibnah

        Re: Oh dear sir,

        Idiots who self inflict either through ski-ing, hang gliding or <insert recreational activity of choice here> do NOT deserve first line care. Fuck em and let em wait.

        FTFY. Can you see the problem with your idea? Luckily doctors and nurses treat everyone as equally deserving of care.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          @ Fred Didnah Re: Oh dear sir,

          It would appear you seem to consider skiers, hang glider-ists as idiots. I do not. I consider muppets who go out on a Saturday night, end up in a drunken brawl or decide to play chicken with cars as idiots.

          Accidents are exactly that, unforeseen happenings. Getting pissed up is something you can easily avoid.

      5. Frumious Bandersnatch

        Re: Oh dear sir,

        Idiots who self inflict

        So if someone is distracted while crossing the road and gets run over, it's their own fault and so shouldn't get treatment? Maybe we should resinstitute the Spanish Inquisition to take over triage duties then, eh?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          @ Frumious Bandersnatch Re: Oh dear sir,

          Again, someone who clearly has a comprehension issue between accident and idiot.

  11. thomas k


    No pics?!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wot?!

      Thank god for small mercies

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. Martin Maloney

    Oh, why not?

    From the bottom of the article:

    "Tips and corrections"

    The chap was uncircumcised?

    Q: How do you circumcise a whale?

    A: With four skin divers.


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