back to article Germans stick traffic lights in pavements for addicts who can't take their eyes off phones

The German city of Augsburg is embedding warning lights in the pavement at traffic intersections to alert smartphone users who don't looking up before crossing the road. Rows of red LEDs have been embedded in the pavement after a 15-year-old girl was killed when she stepped in front of a tram while looking at her smartphone …


  1. Herby

    Darwin award??

    Maybe they shouldn't have the lights. The world needs people who pay attention to silly things like their surroundings!

    A better idea might be to have a light bulb above their head so cars can run them down with impunity.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Darwin award??

      You will lose a good part of the consumovoter demographic!

      1. Notas Badoff

        Re: Darwin award??

        Would this dummy demographic notice any action by politicians, much less remember at voting time?

        1. PNGuinn

          Re: Darwin award?? @ Notas

          Probably not.

          But that does not necessarily invalidate the original post, does it?

        2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: Darwin award??

          Would this dummy demographic notice any action by politicians, much less remember at voting time?

          Coming next week: national elections now allow voting by "liking" a candidate or party on Facebook.

          Problem .... solved!

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Darwin award??

        You think humans are dumb now, imagine if for the past several million years, homo sapiens and their evolutionary predecessors were protected from nasty beasts like sabre toothed tigers and dire wolves via the intervention of friendly aliens so we didn't have to be aware of our surroundings.

        Hold on, maybe that actually would explain people walking in front of trains while texting...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Darwin award??

          "Hold on, maybe that actually would explain people walking in front of trains while texting..."

          In my home town some people set up their folding chairs and blankets on the rail road tracks to watch a fireworks display. The next edition of the newspaper had their outraged letters. A train came along! They could have been killed! Someone should be held responsible!

          I think there is a group of people that are literally too stupid to live.

          I wish they were too stupid to breed - I blame porn for that: it's a step-by-step guide for halfwits.

          Forget nuclear secrets - lets keep the secrets of procreation from the unworthy.

          God - I'm rambling, aren't I?

          Oh, well, off to pornhub.

          1. Fatman

            Re: Darwin award??

            <quote>I think there is a group of people that are literally too stupid to live.</quote>

            If you were to look at their medical records, you would realize one very important fact: they have shit for brains.

            This condition is known in medical literature as Terminal Stupidity.

            Most manglers suffer from this disease.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            One way to filter some of them

            Offer an inducement for sterilization, choosing the inducement such that idiots will take it up enthusiastically while non-idiots won't be particularly tempted --- maybe free legal crack for life would be one of the options? Or free phone company subscriptions?

    2. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge
      Thumb Down

      Re: Darwin award??

      The Darwin award might be deserved for some recipients but the tram operator delivering it is going to feel like shit anyways.

      1. Brad Ackerman
        Thumb Down

        Re: Darwin award??

        Paperwork for the police, transit agency, and tram operator; delays for a rather large number of people. I'm sure the smombies can find a venue to receive their awards that doesn't have quite as much collateral damage.

        1. TRT Silver badge

          Re: Darwin award??

          I would not like to be the person who has to hose down the front and underside of the trams, TYVM.

      2. Zork-1

        Re: Darwin award??

        That's why we need autonomous trams.

        But seriously, can't they just put up jamming posts next to the crossings so all phones shut down. Or Have an auto proximity "ad" like feature on all phones, showing a message to the user to look at the traffic ahead?

    3. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: Darwin award??

      Let's make it interesting... Let's put theses people on bikes. Oh, right I see that stupidity every day here in NL... riding a bike, head down and ears filled. I'm surprised I don't see more accidents.

      1. Locky

        Re: Darwin award??

        Not all bike headphones are equal....

      2. TeeCee Gold badge

        Re: Darwin award??

        Oh, but they're good.

        Best I saw was in Maastricht. Girl on bike using her phone. Lack of concentration meant she missed the kerb / cobbles change, the front wheel stopped and she went clean over the handlebars.

        Bounced a few times on the cobbles, rolled out and was still talking on the phone when she got up.

        My view is that the only change we need to solve the problem is a new Coroner's verdict: "Suicide while the balance of their mind was somewhere else.".

        1. ShadowDragon8685

          Re: Darwin award??

          I believe that's already adequately covered by the verdict "Death by Misadventure".

      3. Rich 11

        Re: Darwin award??

        riding a bike, head down and ears filled. I'm surprised I don't see more accidents.

        Well if you looked up from your phone more often... ;-)

  2. EddieD

    Think of it as evolution in action.

    ©Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle

    1. Notas Badoff

      Onward march!

      I think it was only today on another topic that someone mentioned "The Marching Morons". Do note the reference to 'lemmings' and the 'solution'.

      1. Zimmer

        Re: Onward march!

        Plus one, for The Marching Morons... I'm old enough to remember reading that....not that many years after it was published... I seem to think about that story a lot this century

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Onward march!

          Yeah, I amongst others have referred to that story a few times in these comments sections. It should be required reading in all schools and the teacher forced at gunpoint if necessary to explain it to their students in minute detail. With an exam afterwards to make sure the lesson has gone in.

          Then we issue free bumper packs of condoms to all the students.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Onward march!

        Needs a rewrite: "The Shuffling Morons"

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Onward march!

          iPodestrians is my favorite descriptive.

          Although clueless, braindead, inconsiderate muppets fits as well.

  3. Craig 2

    That's going to cost to install city-wide. It comes under the same umbrella as my car insurance being used to subsidise idiot drivers, my taxes for lazy scumbags and bank charges to bail out irresponsible spenders.

    1. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      That's going to cost to install city-wide

      I would not be so sure. LEDs are pretty easy to install and retrofit. It can be rolled out along with resurfacing and general improvements to sidewalks to minimize costs as well. In any case, the usefulness of this one is "to be determined".

      If we copy a LED application, I'd rather have us copy the Eastern European approach. They recently started augmenting standard traffic lights for cars with matching LED strips on the gantries. Highly visible, cheap, reliable, easy to install and a big improvement on overall road safety.

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        On the gantry?

        So useless for the colour blind, who use the layout of the lights.

        Personally I'd be happy I'd my local council/TFL would put the light modules back into the traffic cluster, instead of leaving them dangling for weeks.

        Looks disturbing to say the least.

        1. Peter Ford

          Re: On the gantry?

          The flashing ought to help the colour blind - the implementation appears to be flashing LEDs that presumably don't flash when the crossing is safe.

        2. Crisp

          Re: useless for the colour blind, who use the layout of the lights

          I'm colour blind and believe it or not, we can see ruddy great big solid blocks of colour.

          Picking red roses out of a green bush at a fair distance away is another story, but big massive lights? Not a problem.

          1. ChrisC Silver badge

            Re: useless for the colour blind, who use the layout of the lights

            To be fair to the previous poster, they *may* be well-versed in the various different types of CVD, and were specifically thinking about the small percentage of CVD people who genuinely do have no colour vision at all, rather than the far larger percentage who merely suffer from some degree of deficiency.

            Or, as is more likely the case, maybe they're simply part of that surprisingly large group of non-CVD people who really do believe that colour "blindness" is a binary condition rather than the far more complex spectrum it actually is.

            Like you, I don't have any difficulty with things like traffic lights that some people automatically assume I'd struggle with as soon as they find out I'm red-green deficient. My favourite example of where I really do struggle comes courtesy of our Samsung fridge freezer, which has a built in water/ice dispenser and accompanying filter cartridge. On the door there's a small LCD to show the temperatures, dispenser settings etc., and also whether or not the filter needs replacing. Most of the LCD consists of blue on black characters/symbols, however when the filter has expired the symbol for the filter changes to red. Being merely red-green deficient as opposed to completely unable to see red, this isn't the problem.

            What *is* the problem is that, in the weeks leading up to the expiry of the filter, the symbol first changes colour from blue to purple (I'm assuming here that Samsung decided not to splash out on a different backlight LED here, and are simply driving both the blue and red ones). However, the only reason I know it changes to purple is because my wife asked me one day what the purple light on the fridge meant - to my CVD-afflicted eyes there's no discernable difference in shade between this symbol when it switches between blue and purple, even though the shade of red used is, on its own, quite distinct.

            1. Richard 12 Silver badge

              Re: useless for the colour blind, who use the layout of the lights

              In order to comply with disability legislation, you need to cover the worst plausible case.

              Color deficiency is indeed a sliding scale, from 2 macadam problems up to a total lack of one or all types of cone.

              While full colour blindness is rare, it does exist and must be allowed for by public design. You can't make it impossible for someone to drive just because they can't distinguish the colours.

              I'm glad that two of you just decided to assume I'm an idiot rather than read the actual words I used, or pay attention to the relevant legislation.

              I had rather expected better here. Truly, DevOps melts your brain.

    2. Uffish

      Re: Cost

      May I suggest a lower cost solution. It's what I thought the article's title meant when I first read it.

      In future put all traffic lights, street lights, litter bins, park benches in the middle of the pavement (USA etc - sidewalk). That will at least educate a lot of the ipodestrians.

  4. raving angry loony


    So much for the zombie apocalypse. Now we know how it starts. Pretty soon the zombies will be chasing down the non-zombies who dare interfere with their candy crush. But slowly, because the beat doesn't let you run faster.

    1. Rich 11

      Re: Zombies + fast beat

      "Hey, they're going to get you too,

      Another one bites the dust"

  5. Blofeld's Cat


    Installing lights at ground level is far too simple a solution for use here in the UK.

    Instead The Powers That Be would commission a complex, multi-million pound project to develop technology that would make vehicles take avoiding action when a distracted phone user steps into their path.

    The project would naturally be outsourced to a minister's friend suitably experienced consultant, get delivered five years late, be extremely over-budget, and be incompatible with any phone or vehicle in use at that date.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Hmm...

      That too easy.. you're missing out the tearing up of roads, cable and LED installers. There's massive amounts of kickback and the added benefit of signs and publicity because "we're thinking of the children".

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hmm...

      "Installing lights at ground level is far too simple a solution for use here in the UK."

      I see what you are getting at here.. But in the UK such a technical solution isn't simple. Procurement rules and interference by politically elected leaders will ensure that the choice will be a totally unsuitable product that will never work as intended.

      So it's more a matter of which misguided and mismanaged solution will eventually be picked. I vote for the cheapest one, which would be to do nothing. Besides, do give Darwin a chance at least.

      1. Phil Kingston

        Re: Hmm...

        Is a better solution in place already in the UK? I thought every single crossing had been dug up and fitted with dimples and drop-kerbs to indicate a crossing. Which, unlike LEDs, also work for visually impaired folk and considerably easier/cheaper to maintain.

        Still a complete waste of money, but it's already been done.

        1. Anonymous Custard

          Re: Hmm...

          Maybe just replace the LEDs with a BOFH style cattle prod (lengthways of course)? Step near it when you shouldn't be crossing and get a zap?

          Also fit a variant across the road too, so muppet drivers who jump the red lights (especially at crossings) get a similar jolt? Could be tricky to deal with the insulating properties of car tyres I guess, so maybe a higher voltage or a set of stinger spikes too?

        2. Rich 11

          Re: Hmm...

          drop-kerbs to indicate a crossing...

          Still a complete waste of money

          I'm guessing you don't use a wheelchair.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    All they need are cartoony brochures showing how not be killed in an intersection.

    It worked in Russia for the "how not to take selfies," didn't it?

    Or, maybe they need an app that tells you when you're about to be creamed by a vehicular merchant of death - I'm sure it would be popular once they work out the bugs.

  7. MrTuK

    I wonder where it will end !

    Actually I don't see this working, whose to say they would see the Red LED's on the pavement on a bright sunny day when they can't see a tram !

    Maybe in the evening but not during daytime !

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Yes, you'd have thought some kind of proximity warning on the phone would make more sense. But have to be careful not to interrupt the important "breathe in, breathe out" instructions…

  8. CCCP

    Never mind the article - this might be a good idea

    It always struck me that the pedestrian lights were hard for the visually impaired to spot and decipher. Yes, I know there are audio signals, but at a busy junction they're difficult to hear.

    Also, whether smart phone-impaired or not, you always look at where you put your feet, so ground level is not a bad place for flashing red.

    Costly? Maybe. But you'd only bother at busy junctions. And injured humans are very expensive to fix.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @CCCP - Re: Never mind the article - this might be a good idea

      Smombies are no longer humans!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Never mind the article - this might be a good idea

      There are also haptic signals if you can't see or hear, but mostly they're only known to the visually impaired.

      Basically a little protrusion on the bottom of the button box that will vibrate when the lights go green.

    3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Never mind the article - this might be a good idea

      "It always struck me that the pedestrian lights were hard for the visually impaired to spot and decipher. Yes, I know there are audio signals, but at a busy junction they're difficult to hear."

      Yes, that can be an issue for some types of disability. What you should be outraged at is not just the lack of thought and care put into making life better for the disabled, but the waste of money spent "protecting" those who intentionally and wilfully temporarily "disable" themselves by being inconsiderate self absorbed utter twats.

  9. fidodogbreath

    Wait for the inevitable lawsuit

    when a smombie is run over at an intersection that does not have embedded lights, or the lights don't work.

    "Since there were no flashing lights in the sidewalk, my client assumed that it was safe to cross without looking."

    1. PNGuinn

      Re: Wait for the inevitable lawsuit

      My client was unable to see the warning because {{DUMB EXCUSE}} and is suing for negligence ...

      My client was actively considering ending it all but was distracted by the blinkenlights while browsing ways ... breach of human rights ...

      My clients are concerned that this "facility" is distracting our product from interacting fully with our targeted programme of relevant ads ... Our partner funeral homes are concerned that the their research into providing potential clients with the easiest possible life exit strategies is being negatively impacted ... to the detriment of the negative life chances of ... and the human rights of our potential product ...

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You are all missing the obvious solution, fences and barriers.

    Put all the idiots behind fences and barriers. Problem solved.


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