* Posts by Earl Jones Of Potatoes

53 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2011


iPhone XR, for when £1,000 is just too much for a smartmobe

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

Fail & Fail Badly...

Back in 2007 this article starts..... but then for those who remember, El Reg predicted that the iphone would fail and fail badly...... 11 years on, the article in question was removed from El Reg search.

Brace yourselves, fanboys. Winter is coming. And the iPhone X can't handle the cold

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

When I look at an article on El-Reg, I can't help but remember their 2006 vision.


Hand in glove: Google and the US State Dept

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

"tech giant"

I wish people would quit calling google a tech giant.... it is an advertising giant not a tech giant. It exploits and spends on technology to collect information about you and I in order to sell it to the highest bidder... look at youtube, it has become worst than a commercial break that you cannot skip.

Arab States make play for greater government control of the internet

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

arab "gouvernments"

they hardly represent their people

most if not all are puppets placed through coup d'etat that we support and often finance.

'People have forgotten just how late the first iPhone arrived ...'

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

It had nothing, yet it changed everything

quite intrigued by the point of this article other than the usual apple bashing to satisfy the grown up kids.

"Indeed" the first iphone had nothing, yet it changed the whole industry for good. Even ElReg predicted back then that "it will fail and fail badly"...... that I call the "nothing to see, nothing to read rubbish" that elreg has published over the years.

Quit drooling, fanbois - haven't you SEEN what the iPhone 6 costs?

Earl Jones Of Potatoes


no wonder apple never invites The Register for their events, What's the point in inviting trolls who hate apple so much, all of their headlines for today are about apple. bashing bashing bashing.

Why don't you guys learn from Bill Ray's 2006 article. - http://goo.gl/BFeBDJ

This site used to be funny but that was over 10 years ago. now it is a total joke.

Intel insists Mac Mini HDMI fix inbound

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

anti-apple irrationality

obviously someone has made a video which touches on this subject quite brilliantly.

it does reflect the usual comments we see in here


Woz: Microsoft's innovation lead 'worries me greatly'

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

without apple

Although Woz has my respect, i think no one would know who he is today if Steve Jobs wasn't in the picture.

Where was Woz when apple was nearly bankrupt in 1997 ? He was probably still happy to collect his monthly apple cheque but has he really contributed to the rebirth of apple? The answer is no. Everyone is talking today mr Woz and most talking like the one you're making has a cheap after taste.

Samsung turns screws on Apple, hikes A6 processor price 20%

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

....that actually make things....

This "author" is obviously a troll!

Analyst: There are LOADS of iPhone 5s, Apple is keeping them back

Earl Jones Of Potatoes


Surely ElReg can do better than this!

Another "ANAL ist" has suggested that ElReg most loyal readers have given up on life. The Same "anal ist" and without providing any evidence has also put forward an argument which proves that the irrational hatred some of its commentators have exhibited is only enforcing the belief that ElReg survival is in jeopardy....

if you react to this rubbish then the story becomes true in your "world"

Thanks for treating some of your readers likes idiots ElReg!

Walmart workers filmed playing iPad frisbee

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

android users

Perhaps they are android enthusiast..... The ones i know have similar jobs but when they talk, oh boy, they know it all. I mean, THEY KNOW IT ALL!

Apple's first batch of iPhone 5 preorders sold out in an hour

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

Re: Every time

Or maybe the demand was too high and despite good planning they were sold out...... Of course, this doesn't work too well with the agenda of your comment.

Apple and Google in talks to end patent war?

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

the tip of the iceberg

"Google said to tap Barclays to sell Motoroal's Home Business"


"The world’s biggest smartphone maker is in talks with major telecom carriers on Apple’s home-turf such as Verizon Wireless about modified designs in Samsung Galaxy devices. It is also closely partnering with Microsoft (MS) to cut its dependency on Google Android, according to officials Wednesday."


Not quite like this article makes the news sound. When you take news in the two links provided, you rather take a hint as to what may have realized with last week's Apple win over samsung.

In other words, apple has sent a clear message and the message reads "Don't F***K with us"

Jury awards Apple $1bn damages in Samsung patent case

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

lets hate hate apple

Let's hate hate apple and support one another by up-voting the most hateful comment about apple and fanboys. This is what ElReg's commentators are known to do anyway.

They are experts in everything, I mean, they are know it all. Visionaries, judges, lawyers, politicians, elitists and never wrong.

Get some girlfriends and be quiet for once.

Iran’s ‘domestic Internet’ schedule slips

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

easy pick

just provide the link to the telegraph this way you don't have to add all those grain of salt.

Iran is such an easy target to pick on, the mass media are doing a good job creating a boogie man out of a peaceful country. YES, more peaceful than US, UK and israel combined. After all, they haven't attacked any country in over 300 years.

Beak explodes at Samsung's evidence leak in Apple patent spat

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

the judge also said don't show this to the jury. He made this clear too.

funny how some in here are expert in law and rush to defend samsung even if it's doing something completely unethical.

Wish you were here? NASA rover beams postcard from Mars

Earl Jones Of Potatoes
Big Brother

most successful

by far, this is the second most successful space mission after voyager.

Samsung asks for US Galaxy Nexus ban to be lifted pending appeal

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

gone mad

quite speechless at some apple haters who suggest that buying apple product is like financing terrorism.

So far, 30 individuals seem to agree with his/her rubbish. This is not fanaticism, this is depseration beyond belief.

You're entitled to hate apple all you like even if the behavior itself is quite disturbing but to call people who buy apple products "terrorist sponsors" is the most pathetic argument an android fanboy has made.

get some girlfriends, there's a life outside your hatred of others. grow up for god sake.

Samsung overtakes Nokia, Apple in mobile handset race

Earl Jones Of Potatoes


so does ikea. they produce "furniture" the most but we all know what they're worth.

Google offers Oracle slice of Android profits for patents

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

Google's response to Oracle

....come on! don't be evil!

'We're crying out for storage'

Earl Jones Of Potatoes
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what next ?

apple is going to tax us, send us to war, jail us for smoking weed and crash the economy like our elected leaders have and still do today.

It's a pity i wanted to get some apple shares back when they were cheap so i can be wealthy today but someone convinced me to adhere to elReg's analysis and prediction and wage daily bashing against the naughty fruity dangerous animal called apple.

Apple tops estimates with earnings leap of 118 per cent

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

no matter how hard it tries


This video is very representative of the current situation :) Enjoy the crack dance.

iPhone 4S is for failures who work in coffee shops - Samsung

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

lame campagn

Thanks samsung! enjoy your new low.

Stallman: Did I say Jobs was evil? I meant really evil

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

stall man

there's no such thing as free lunch

Samsung making over half its cash from its mobes

Earl Jones Of Potatoes


It is untrue to claim that Apple wants Samsung out of the mobile business.

The current dispute concerns IPs on specific handsets only

The author is undermining his reputation by clearly making unsubstantiated remarks to please the usual "bashing know it all die hard android kids".

Apple shouldn't bother with TV...

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

ElReg's big grain of salt

Andrew should perhaps remember Bill Ray's "Why the iPhone will fail and fail badly" before attempting to look into the future....

Jobs: 'I'll spend my dying breath destroying Android'

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

$5 billion

In a way this shows that the advertiser giant which our media like to call "tech giant" acknowledged that android infringes on patents held by apple. That's quite revealing and interesting if google offered to settle it with $5 billion.

Say what you like about the man, he has principals and isn't shy to tell it as it is.

Michael Dell declines to eat his Apple (humble) pie

Earl Jones Of Potatoes
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what a w*nker he is.

HTC's iPhone, iPad ban bid derailed by US judge

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

double loss

A blow to htc indeed but mostly to google for playing the pimp by sending htc off to fight apple with its recently obtained patents.

Steve Jobs memorial brings out tech titans... and Bono

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

red cross mark

where's the red cross mark elReg? you use to have it on most articles made about apple and Steve Jobs....

Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is dead at 56

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

Hat off to your Mr. Jobs

a Repost of my early comment about Mr. Jobs.

Very few CEOs have your vision and caliber Mr. Jobs.

Thanks for your historic contribution to the Tech world.

You've earned a prestigious page in modern history and your influence will be greatly missed.

Respect to you


Ten reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone 5

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

The Inquirer ?

surely this is a new low for ElReg. The iPhone has never been announced and this "article" makes ElReg appear like a troll. probably a tactic aimed at getting attention but at what cost ?

This "author" has yet to learn from Bill Ray's "why the iPhone will fail and fail badly". I recon he was as right as this author will be.

Samsung offers Apple TOP-SECRET peace deal in Australia

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

in other news

It was revealed that Jobs himself was against the court battle and tried to resolve the matter without resorting to lawsuits, but apparently Samsung didn't give much choice to Apple's former boss.

Google feeds patents to HTC for assault on Apple

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

who is your daddy

google acting like a pimp sending his new bitch friend for a fight.

Google to HTC : who is your daddy!

HTC to google : you are my daddy.

Google, that's right biatch.

Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

hat off to you Mr. Jobs

Very few CEOs have your vision and caliber Mr. Jobs.

Thanks for your historic contribution to the Tech world.

You've earned a prestigious page in modern history and your influence will be greatly missed.

Thanks you

Apple wins (another) Samsung Android injunction in EU

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

the bashing can commence....

...3, 2, 1... and the bashing can commence, whether it is rational or not and whether the law is in their side or not.

I'm sure it'll be jolly amusing to scan through comments from apple haters who seem to love reading about apple.

HP murders webOS tablets, phones

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

pissing around the pot

in a way HP tried and knew they couldn't compete with iOS. Instead of making another empty promise they decided to take the "no pissing around the pot" approach and in a way, it's brave.

some would argue that if a product doesn't sell it's cause it's not well advertised. If it sells well, it's because of a good advertising campaign. The truth is that a product sells because it is good. If they do not sell, they are not worth it even if billions are spent to make them look like pieces of heaven.

Has Google wasted $12bn on a dud patent poker-chip?

Earl Jones Of Potatoes


This tells me that google has an ego worth $12BN.

Let's see if their $12bn worth of patents are going to be as dubious as those held by Apple, Oracle and Microsoft as they claimed repeatedly.

Dell puts gun to Streak 5 tablet, pulls trigger

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

deja vu

This reminds me 2002, 2003 & 2004 when iPod killers were trying to convince us that they are a better alternative to Apple's mp3 players. Now it's the iPhone & iPad killers.

Where are those commentators who predicted the end of the iPod, ridiculed the iPhone and predicted its utter failure, then laughed at the iPad as the most useless device ?

Your only power is to up vote what's against apple

The truth of the matter is that many know it all have no vision.

Apple pictures iOS on your wall

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

daft comments

I'm all for it if daft comment like yours get banned as well.

Grow up, Google: You're threatening IT growth

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

advertising vs Tech field

I tend to agree with most of what was presented. I think that google is very much like an opportunist wealthy spoiled kid playing in a field he doesn't belong.

Android is better off without google. I can even dare and say that Apple would help more android than google had.

After all, it is because of iOS that Android has flourished

One must not forget that google is an advertising company by revenue.

Google fights to hide incriminating emails

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

google lawyers are commenting

wow, this subject has been flooded by google lawyers down voting anything that incriminate the advertising giant. And we're led to believe that fanboys are bad.... who knew

Google waggles free* Android phones at Americans

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

nothing is free

Get it free today only and please do not read the fine prints

Google claims 'bogus patent' conspiracy against Android

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

weak strategy

hypocrisy couldn't be more obvious. why did google bid on nortel's patent if you think they are bogus ? and please, spare us the pathetic argument which goes ""instead of competing by building new features or devices, they are fighting through litigation."

an advertising empire cannot be trusted when it ventures into the tech field and pretends the game is unfair when it's not winning.

Sorry google, i won't side with you on this one. You're using android weak strategy to gain sympathy.

Cambridge Audio Azur 751BD 3D Blu-ray player

Earl Jones Of Potatoes


who said that El Reg wasn't bias to things made in the united kingdom of great "Britannia".... I mean, 90% is a bloody good reason to chanting ..... Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves....

God save our beloved Queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Google TV box flop costs Logitech $34m

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

google and its "wrong ideas"

i think this shows in a way the weak vision of google and its over the top concept ideas which when put into practice are either ill-timed or just out of touch (e.g. chrome book and googletv)

One must wonder if Google isn't pushing these ideas just to tell the world later on that they were first to do it.

That's expected when an advertising giant by revenue ventures into a tech field. But who cares, ads are making them colossal amount of cash.

Note to Apple: Be more like Microsoft

Earl Jones Of Potatoes

sharing the money

it's funny when the author writes that it is a pity that apple isn't sharing the money with anyone ?

Are we talking about charity or is this just another excuse to bash a successful company ?

Quite frankly, readers like me in here do demand some respect. We know where you stand when it comes to apple but please, stay objective and classy guys.

Jobs picture with a red mark is really unnecessary especially when you're only targeting his picture and no one else.

Apple eyeing Hulu acquisition, insiders say

Earl Jones Of Potatoes
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someone else would rather see it as YESSSSSSSS, hulu would be plugin free, all the way html5 for a plugin free web experience.....

Apple annihilates Wall Street performance estimates

Earl Jones Of Potatoes
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..that quality pays off..... even if some calls it "fanboism" "sheep" or anything juvenile and demeaning to people's intelligence.

Well done Apple.
