* Posts by DavidReEllis

2 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2012

Tech disties and telcos lock horns in cloud death match


Personally, I don't think there is a 'black and white' argument for or against IT distributors and telcos working together or competing when it comes to the cloud. Sometimes these organisations may compete, other times they will work together.

As a tech distie, we supply a number of cloud and managed services ourselves (under our ALVEA Services brand) through our reseller channel to the end user. However, we also provide Infrastructure products (such as network security), to allow telcos to build their own service offerings as well as providing a number of service providers with our own ALVEA Managed Services for them to rebrand and incorporate in their own portfolio.

Like with any product or service, some suppliers will be better placed for a particular customer than others. In light of this, I believe there's space for both distributors and telcos in the cloud market.

Resellers: Cloud is BIG, but it's a sales commission minefield


So, for those resellers who have made a commitment to the cloud either through investing in the infrastructure themselves or in partnership with another Service Provider, this is likely to be a big problem. I'm interested to hear from company principals and FD's to understand how they are incentivising their sales staff.