* Posts by edkirk

3 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Oct 2012

Google offers $3.14159 MILLION in prizes for hacking Chrome OS


Re: Perhaps 'slightly' OT but Chrome Browser

I don't think that a bat file will cause many problems on a *nix based OS.

RIM PlayBook trumps new iPad in UK channel sales - analyst


Re: Playbook

I agree on all you plus points, but the one thing that ruins it for me is the standby time. I can leave my iPad for days/weeks and I'll only loose 1-10% battery, I can just pick it up and test my website/app. The playbook conks out in a few days.

Education Secretary Gove: Tim Berners-Lee 'created the INTERNET'


Re: Hmm

"Finding math teachers is kind of easy because the whole population understands basic math. But logic, algorithms and data structures?"

You do realise that "logic" is a field of mathematics in this context and that "algorithms and data structures" are an area of computer science heavily rooted mathematics right? Being a recent "CompSci graduate" in theoretical and applied CS I know this.